Hotel minibar Glass Door 25 liter M-25T


Quality, price, design and security are the key words of the hotel mini-bar of MDE. Considered as beneficially as mini refrigerators, mini-bars facilitate the conservation of products and drinks cool.

Core description

Reinn glass door minibar sets new benchmarks in guest comfort, product presentation and energy efficiency. Featuring Mdesafe’s noiseless absorption technology , the 25 l class minibar fridge is completely silent in operation and economical, too. Its glass door and LED interior lighting nicely accent the minibar offering to boost your sales. Optional upgrades: door handle, lock, left-hand-side hinge, LED door opening control.

Minibar-Standard Features:

Cooling Method: Absorption technologies, ammonia water circle


Usage Instructions of Absorption Hotel Mini bar:

Internal Light

Optional Lock

Temperature Control